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As a result, the ability to quickly and accurately test Web environments is not only a sound business decision, but it has become an absolute competitive necessity. Because Web applications are open to a large numbers of users, and typically allow direct access by prospects and customers, their functional efficiency and performance directly and immediately impact the bottom-line.

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According to a NIST study, annual costs to the country for inadequate testing are as high as 59 billion dollars. As the adoption rate of mission critical Web-based applications continues to rise, poor testing represents a large portion of that cost. As a result, the ability to quickly and accurately test Web environments is not only a sound business decision, but it has become an absolute competitive necessity. Because Web applications are open to a large numbers of users, and typically allow direct access by prospects and customers, their functional efficiency and performance directly and immediately impact the bottom-line.

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According to a NIST study, annual costs to the country for inadequate testing are as high as 59 billion dollars. As the adoption rate of mission critical Web-based applications continues to rise, poor testing represents a large portion of that cost. As a result, the ability to quickly and accurately test Web environments is not only a sound business decision, but it has become an absolute competitive necessity. Because Web applications are open to a large numbers of users, and typically allow direct access by prospects and customers, their functional efficiency and performance directly and immediately impact the bottom-line.

Because of direct customer interaction, performance is especially important. For example, a survey on E-commerce site performance, conducted by Jupiter Research for Akamai Technologies Inc. reveals that consumers will not wait more than 4 seconds for a Web page to download. One-third of shoppers who have a poor experience abandon the site entirely, while 75% are not likely to shop on that site again.

The decisions that IT leaders make in selecting a testing solution are, therefore, of high consequence. By nature, Web applications are complex and many involve proprietary software and third party applications interacting in complex multi-tiered architectures. For that reason, predicting, measuring and tuning the performance of Web applications pose unique testing challenges, and only a few enterprise-class Web testing solutions can address these challenges in their entirety.

Provided all enterprise-class solutions have comparable performance data gathering capabilities (there are some significant variations), much of the challenge resides in choosing the testing solution that will help make sense of the large amount of test-generated data. It should provide the analysis and reporting features that are most adapted to your needs in order to turn your test results into immediate business benefits. This paper identifies those few but essential analysis and reporting features that are critical to leverage test results and turn them into immediate business value for both the Executives and Engineers in your organization.

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